Learn how to recruit, build, and grow a team whether a sales team, community group, MLM or insurance using clear and upfront concepts that focus on honest practices and helping people.
If you are a sales manager, business owner, community group leader, church leader, insurance team manager, or Multi Level Marketer, this class if for you.
Quick Lesson: What's the formula for Charisma?
Power + Approachability
If you approached your favorite actor and he was a jerk to you... How would you feel about him? Would he still be your favorite?
If you approached your favorite actor and he was humble, excited to meet you, and took the time to chat with you, how much more of a fan would you be?
About the Instructor: BW has built successful nationwide sales teams with over 700 agents, a multimillion dollar technology company, coached dozens of businesses and built hundreds of leaders. He is also the owner of Mystic Vines Comedy, Dance and Community (pet passion project).
WHY IS THIS CLASS FREE? Leaders are needed to build the community portion of Mystic Vines. What better way to find smart up and coming leaders who understand that leadership is a skillset that needs to be studied, learned and practiced?
Otherwise, yes, this class should be $1500 to $5000